Your Shopping Helps
We all buy things pretty regularly. Here are some ways that you can support the Dicken PTO with your normal purchases. Simply set up your account ahead of time, and we’ll benefit when you shop.
Arbor Farms
Mention Dicken Elementary before you pay at check out. 3% of your total purchases will be donated to Dicken.
Go to, select the MyWay tab, and sign up. You will receive an email that will give you the info to activate your account and select Dicken as your school.
Mabel’s Labels
Label your kids’ personal belongings with Mabel’s Labels to avoid confusion (everyone buys the same winter gloves at Costco, it seems) and to help lost goods find their way back to you. Go to and identify Dicken Elementary as the school you’d like your purchase to support.
Community Nights Out
Throughout the year, the PTO partners with restaurants to set up Community Nights Out. If you order food from these restaurants during our designated time period, Dicken will receive a percentage of the sales. Please see our Facebook Page and events page for more details on any upcoming CNO.
Register your Kroger Plus card at rewards by signing in or creating an account and selecting Dicken. Re-enroll by April 30th every year. Kroger donates 3% of what you spend. It’s easy!
- At, sign in or register to set up online account.
- Click on “Community”, then “Community Rewards”, and then “View Your Rewards Detail”.
- On your Account Summary, make sure your Plus Card is linked to your online account, and add Dicken as your organization of choice for donations.
- If you don’t have a Kroger Plus Card, pick one up at any Kroger Customer Service counter and get enrolled! You’ll save money using your Plus Card and make money for Dicken!