Attendee’s-Mike Madison, Janine Hutchinson, Peggy Sheagren, Elizabeth Hood, Amy Robbins, Laite Odetola, Adrienne Licata, Cindy Donovan, Lori Milliman, John Carlson, Carrie Klimkowicz, Bonnie Kerber, Rebekah Ankeney
- Meeting called to order at 7:19 (Amy Robbins)
- Calendar Items (Amy Robbins)
- WESO 1/6
- Mochas
- No School 1/18, 2/1, 2/15-19
- Winter Walk 1/26
- NAAPID 2/8
- Kindergarten Roundup 2/9-Please let new parents know that children are invited.
- Student count day 2/10
Presidents report out/Business (Amy Robbins)
- Mocha timing-In honor of MLK day, Friday 1/15, 2/9 for Kindergarten Round-up ( no blended drinks due to noise after meeting starts please), and March is reading month 3/7, Teacher appreciation 5/2
- Door decorating-Put a note out to room parents that they can update door decorations if they would like to do so (Laite)
- WinterWalk-Coming up on 1/26…Bearclaw might be an option for treats/beverages. Adrienne will check on that option.
- CNO-None planned for February yet, but Janine will be looking into planning one. She is thinking about noodle and company.
- NAAPID assembly and lunch options-Jazzastry is $2000 and Guy Lewis is $675/$750 for two (with black history month rolled in.) 9:15-10:00 and 10:15 to 11:00. Ideas for lunch Caroline Barbeque? Patty would like additional ideas if anyone would like to share.
- Nominating committee-To find board members for next year. Board nominations are in April. June is the first meeting for all new members. Nominating committee should get started in February. Please email Amy if you are interested…3-5 people would be a good number for the committee. Carrie volunteered to be on the committee.
- Disability day is slated for April 29th but at this time the equipment is currently not available so this might not happen.
Principal’s report (Mike Madison) (7:45)
- Thank you very much for all the support you have given over the last few weeks. Teachers are thrilled with money for field trips. Winnie the Pooh was a great trip for the kindergarten class at Wild Swan Theater.
- Super science day was a success. Next year Hands On Museum needs to provide drop cloths. Well run and smooth. Laite will be a contact person for next year.
- Thank you to the parents that helped out with the Dicken snowman initiative.
- 5th grade has anti drug and bully program in December
- 4th winter vocal music program went well and decorations were great.
- 3rd graders invited to perform at Pioneer.
- Thank you to Janine for spearheading the teacher cookie event.
- 2nd grade got to go on the library field trip finally.
- Rachel Egelhof has gotten the food pantry up and running…Thank you for all her efforts. She wants to start doing it every week.
- Mandi Wise spearheaded the sock drive and got 861 pair of socks/gloves and mittens. Thank you!
- Thank you to the parents for helping with holiday parties.
- Thank you to parents that gave holiday token gifts. They were much appreciated.
- Happy 2016, 10 new children attending Dicken in January.
- Kindergarten starting NWEA assessments.
- 1,2,3,4,5 grade optional for NWEA
- Nick Hutchinson had a great WESO fair. Still looking for a lead for next year when he retires from the job.
- M-step results for 3,4,5 and out next week.
- January 14th celebration of Martin Luther King Day, 3rd graders performing several times
- January 21st lockdown safety drill
- Building lock procedures just until 4 pm due to evening activities.
- Next PTO meeting February 4th at school.
Please let Amy know if you would like to be part of a sign selection committee. About $20,000 max available for this project.
Report Outs
President Elect-Not in attendance
Treasurer-Back next year on the board where needed!
- $225 from Potbelly
- $825 boxtops
- External audit is needed once every three years
Treasurer elect-Not in attendance
Secretary-Nothing to report
Fundraising-Spring Auction 2016
- A lot of money made on classroom baskets. One per class rather than one per grade?
- Teacher donations are good money makers.
- March 18th Polo Fields is the date for the auction
- Black and White theme
- Food and beverage minimum $2000
Volunteer-all set and coming back next year
Room Parent-all set and coming back next year.
Enrichment-Family reading night March 31st, Women’s history month on March 24th, and looking an April Science performance.
Communications-not in attendance
Hospitality-nothing to report, Adrienne will come back next year
Dicken/Slauson-nothing to report
PTOC-Janine talked about meetings and information. Car raffle on January 2nd. $345 made in raffle ticket sales and we should be getting money from PTO thrift shop for having the sign up and putting info into the blast.
Registration due January 23rd for WESO.
Original works is coming next week and to be delivered around mother’s day.
Teacher Liaison-Celia thanks for the paper and for the goodies for the holidays. Teachers know about the pantry but we are not sure if the pantry is being used much yet. She will remind teachers of this option.
New Business (Amy Robbins)
February Meeting-school
Ajourn 9:15 by Amy Robbins and second by Adrienne Licata