PTO Board Meeting Minutes: January 14, 2021

Called to order 7:05 via zoom call.  

Principals Report – Heather Halabu        

  • Grant request: 2 Kindergarten teachers have requested a digital library to augment options available through Myon for younger kids in amount of $220 total for this school year. This program has been used by other schools with positive feedback. Motion approved.  Jen will connect to release funds. 
  • Requested that teacher support stipend be extended to SISS (Student Intervention Support Staff example teacher consultants). We currently include classroom teachers and full-time staff. We approved adding in other staff to get the same funding. 
    • The board discussed interest in ensuring that staff submit mini-grant funding requests if there are needs. Jessica will reiterate the process. 

  • MLK Day activities including in the newsletter. 
  • Individuals who won experiences should contact staff directly.  
  • Hybrid return to school – times are currently tentative and subject to change. Check out recording from 1.13 for more information. Principle Halabu to provide information on how to submit questions and when we might have more information. 
  • Heather to reach out to Peace Neighborhood again to see if there are open needs regarding headphones. 
  • No supply distribution scheduled at this time. 

New Business & Reports: Jen Miller 

  • December Auction – Still have a few items that need to get picked up. Raised $3532; $1855 was teacher experiences. Two visa gift cards for teachers – Ms. Chartier and Ms. Gargaros. Still have some items that can be used in future auctions. 
  • WESO 2021 started this week with 53 Dicken students. It is month by month activity for 2nd – 5th graders. Still time to register.  
  • Working on the Dicken PTO website. We are required to have seven years of minutes available. Considering getting unique URL – – Jen to pursue purchase. 
  • Working on Gift registry for Dicken-owned businesses maintained on our Facebook page. Planning to put out another call in an upcoming newsletter to identify businesses and on NextDoor Dicken. Planning to maintain on an ongoing basis or have an open link. 
  • Teachers submitted several requests for support to Jessica Posey. 
    • From Band teacher, music methods books for 5th graders. She has borrowed books from other schools in the past but needs to replenish the supply. Approximately $250 cost; we do have a line item for music. Approved – Jen Miller will work on which line item we will leverage.  
    • Ms. Rossi, 1st grade, postage to send materials to students. Support for all teachers having this available; details to be determined. 
    • Ms. Hubbard, considering face to face learning and wants to make sure that teachers have enough cleaning supplies. Support and will figure this out when we get closer to being in-person based on what AAPS will provide. 
    • Ms. Bahr, 2nd grade, SMORES account for newsletters. We explored for all teachers and it was too expensive. Working to cover this request. 
    • Ms. Chartier wants to make sure that all students have books available. Consider working with teachers to select a book for their classroom that we would try to provide for each student. Exploring options to work with a local business such as Nicola’s or Literati. We do have a credit with Scholastic and they will be offering virtual bookfairs. Liz Arnoff will coordinate. Aiming to have books in hands by March for Reading Month. 

Report- Outs:

Treasurer – Agustina Fragner

  • P & L reviewed. See attached.
  • We now have a debit card for Dicken PTO!
  • Deposits of $3361.72 added so far for December Auction. 
  • Expecting additional funds from two checks for matches to the Readathon. 
  • Tax Returns filed for 2020. $494.00 paid. 
  • We received funding from Underground Printing for SpiritWear. Additional items pursued to get to minimums were all purchased.  

Teacher Liaison – Jessica Posey

  • See above for info on teacher requests. 

Staff Liaison – Adrienne Licata

  • No updates.  

Secretary – Kim Walsh

  • Decision: November meeting minutes posted to public site. December meeting meetings approved.                                                                     

Fundraising – Anna Lavery

  • Working to plan next Community Night Out. 
  • Planning to do something with the Dicken Dash in April/May. Waiting to determine if we need additional funds and for what purpose; may focus on community-building aspect. 

Room Parent Coordinator – Lauren Kronberg

  • Lauren’s family is moving to a new school. 
  • Colleen is going to take on this role in addition to volunteer coordinator.  

Hospitality – No updates

  • There will be a few days, minimum, when the teachers are back before the kids come back. Recommendation to provide lunch, coffee for the first day/week the teachers go back. 

PTOC – Rebecca Ankeney

  • December meeting on changing role of PTOs. Themes: community building and supporting families in need. Dicken had a lot of ideas to share! Very few PTOs had done fundraising. 
  • Community-building Ideas from other schools: Movie night through libraries (SWANK – $150 per movie, perhaps pick a movie per grade). Personalized gift baskets for teachers. Show your spirit competition – submit videos, drawings, songs. Sponsored playdates at the playground by grade level. Discussion about yearbooks (we will discuss next month; virtual picture day during home base and crowd-sourcing other photos). Science Fairs. Multi-cultural cookbook. 
  • Supporting Families in Need: Fundraising to support specific programs or families. STEAM did a giving train – call for donations to meet families in need. 
  • Rebecca will reach out to schools with initiatives to support families in need for more information.
  • We will connect with Patty get more information on current family needs. 

Communications – Jessica 

Roundtable: Look into giving kids Dicken-branded jump ropes in future supply delivery. 

PTO Meetings will be on second Thursday of each month.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:58pm.