PTO Board Meeting Notes: February 17, 2022

Meeting Agenda (Click for Google Doc)


Called to order 7:05 via zoom call.  

Principals Report – Heather Halabu   

  • Thank you to all of the volunteers for supporting Winter Walk and Valentine’s Day parties.
  • Planning for kindergarten roundup online, next Wednesday 6-7pm.
  • Kids are excited about the music concert to perform with ASL next week. 
  • Board meetings/Parent engagement: Based on parent feedback, consider sharing more details on agendas so that parents can come to a portion of the meeting to hear about specific topics, make sure that we have the time and link for all meetings and consider a general assembly portion of the meeting since the full 2 hours can be a big commitment. Ideas being shared about how to be more inclusive and encourage participation by families. Consider sending the minutes from the past meeting along with the agenda for the upcoming meeting. 

New Business & Reports: Jen Miller 

  • PTOC Joint Readathon fundraiser opportunity: Rebecca Ankeney

Discussed proposal to contribute a portion of the proceeds from the Readathon to another school to support other AAPS elementary schools that have lower funds. Discussed a few options including teaming up, splitting proceeds, and/or training the school’s PTO on how to leverage the idea/tools. Determined that we need to go back to the PTOC to ask for more guidance on who is interested in various options available from Dicken or other schools that are interested in helping support other PTOs. Consider alignment with one of four elementary schools for 2023. We usually provide a donation from the Dicken Dash and we did not do so this year. Families will be made aware that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to PEACE. 

  • Decision: Motion approved to dedicate minimum of $1000 or 25% of proceeds (the greater) from the 2022 Readathon to PEACE Neighborhood Center. 
    • Equity Challenge: Jen will continue conversations with Lawton and NEW Center to schedule.
      • Decision: Approved sharing 50% of estimated cost of $1800.00 to support a 2022 Equity challenge ($900). 
    • SEL Initiatives: We need input from teachers and staff on options to support SEL initiatives. Jen will reach out to Dana to explore enrichment options. 
  • Fundraising:
      • Reading Month/Readathon:
        • Readathon starting March 1. Ordered books from Nicola’s; should be here by early next week. Last year we did gift cards that were used as prizes/incentives for people who filled out their google forms and we would like to do them all for Nicola’s due to the fundraiser with them.
        • Decision: Approved 20 $10 gift cards 
      • Silent Auction: 
        • May 22, 5:30 to 7:00pm at Bill’s Beer Garden (outdoors)
        • No deposit for the space but we pay for drink tickets and food that we bring in. 
  • Dicken PTO Board for 2022 – 2023 
    • Jen will continue as President for 2022-2023 and Hallie will be president-elect 2022-2023. Thanks for stepping up ladies! Kim Walsh will be stepping down so we will need to identify a new Secretary for 2022-2023. 
    • We will continue promoting open positions and recruiting families for next year’s Board in the next few months.  
  • Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) 
    • Colleen is working to set up, recruiting coaches, competition in June with practices starting in April (so we can do practices outside), limiting participation to only the set number of kids who will participate in the competition unlike past years. 

Report- Outs:

Treasurer – Agustina Fragner

  • Reviewed budget changes:
    • Added $693 from EGGS and $827 SpriritWear
    • Spent $5,359 for Staff Support
    • $39,681 overall revenue for the year; overall expenses so far at $22k; net income $15.5k for the year
  • Expense planned for annual PTO Insurance (approximately $200)
  • Updated budget pdf

 Teacher Liaison – Jessica Posey

  • Girl Scout cookies a big hit! 
  • Books for March is reading month appreciated so the teacher’s can get what they added to their wish lists. 
  • Discussed virtual field trip opportunity, a theater production of Last Stop on Market Street (ticket prices $5 per child). We will review option to cover through PTO budget for field trips/enrichment. 

Staff Liaison – Adrienne Licata

  • Thanks from Social Worker for support for warm clothes/accessories for students. 

Secretary – Kim Walsh

  • Decision: January minutes approved.                                                                     

Room Parent Coordinator – Emma Boley

  • Reminder to ensure that only allergy-free treats are brought in to the classroom. 
  • Emma will be setting up a zoom meeting to talk with room parents about auction gifts and classroom projects. 

PTOC – Rebecca Ankeney

  • February 28 meeting, building community during and after COVID and safety

Communications – Megan 

  • She will continue to note budget items approved for transparency and we will aim to add pictures (ex. classroom books, girl scout cookies). 

Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.