PTO Board Meeting Notes: November 18, 2021

Meeting Agenda (Click for Google Doc)

Principle’s report: 

  • Thank you to PTO – Amazing turnout to pumpkin patch and remarkable success with Dicken Dash!
  • Winter Walk coming in February (add to be distributed via email)
  • Thanksgiving time off announced by district on Nov. 18. Report cards were delayed until Tuesday after break.
  • Teachers are happy for reimbursement for Spiritwear to support school spirit! 
  • To provide families with a peek inside the school, Ms. Halabu will be taking pictures of artwork and activities to send out to parents who are not currently able to come inside the school. 
  • She is organizing “Zoom assemblies” to pull kids together since they are not able to all congregate together.  

Dicken Dash Fundraiser:

  • Closing video created and shared with kids to recap laps and celeb airings.
  • Approximately $27,000 donations from website plus sponsorships $5,600 for total near $34,000 gross income. Treasurer reviewed expenses, and current revenue balance (some still coming in from matches) and will be working with Chair to determine the final net income. 
  • 73% participation and each class raised at least $1000. 
  • Exceeded fundraising goal of $15,000. 

Pumpkin Patch event/fundraiser:

  • Tripled budgeted revenue target of $500 net income. Pre-sale ticket volumes were high. 
  • Great attendance despite rain demonstrating the interest people have in getting together. 
  • Alex has notes for future years. Jen is setting up online/ share drive for all chairs / PTO positions to post notes. 

New Business: 

  • Grant request from Ms. Rossi – she and other teachers asking for $993.00 plus shipping for decodable books for early readers to improve fluency, to be purchased through education source. We have money in the budget for grants. 
    • Decision: Approved in full! Jen will communicate approval tonight. 
  • Teacher/staff appreciation: discussed ways to show support. Mini pies, hand warmer, flannel/rice. Plastic bowl, soup, crackers, spoon (lunch to go or movie night in). In the past we did Cookie delivery boxes (February) but we will do sealed, store bought for now. Maybe Girl Scout cookies from Dicken troop? Hospitality will draft a plan and we will vote on the budget by email. 

Report Outs

  • President Elect – Jen Miller
    • How to help: In response to the recent last-minute days out of school, Jen asked that we consider restarting the Dicken food pantry. We had one in the past, but it fizzled out. Adrienne will talk with Ms. Dorris for history on the prior pantry. Ms. Halabu noted that the district is supplying food for kids when we have virtual days. We were not able to give baskets for Thanksgiving, due to school cancellations and scheduling constraints, so they are picking an alternative date in December. Recommendation to donate to Peace Neighhood as they support a lot of Dicken families (independent from AAPS).
    • Working on Dicken directory. 
  • Treasurer – Augustina Fragner
  • Discuss plans to spend available $18k budget including teacher stipends for their classrooms, a Dicken scholarship and stocking the workroom (ex. circuit). In January, we will review more detailed proposal. 
    • Decision: Approved $2,400 for stocking the workroom/supplies and $13,600 for teacher stipends. 
  • Current income at $37,967, target for the year $39,000.
  • At $3,000 total spending so far, before approval of the costs tonight (grants and stocking workgroup). 
  • Teacher Liaison – Jessica Posey
    • Thanks from teachers and staff for SpiritWear and stipends. Much appreciation for PTO support. 
    • Ms. Posey will share budgets/stipends for specials teachers. 
  • Secretary – Kim Walsh, not in attendance, meeting recorded to be transcribed. 
  • Fundraising – Hallie Jewell
    • Reading Month: Nicola’s fundraiser 2.28-3.5, 20% of proceeds in credit for books or donation. Consider Nicola’s gift cards for teachers and to kickoff March is reading month. At the next meeting, we want to think about ideas to promote Reading Month in March. We have scholastic funds that Ms. McCale can use to purchase books (Jen Miller can provide code for her). 
    • 3 Community Nights out = approximately $700.00. A few potential sites are interested but not able to support at the moment due to low staffing and will reassess in the Spring. 
    • Need to talk about Spring Auction options, virtual vs. In-person. 
  • Room Parent Coordinator – Emma Boley, thinking through holiday parties and teacher gifts to be coordinated through Room Parents. Halloween parties went well with donations from parents. If teachers want to send wish lists, then she can send them on to room parents. 
  • Volunteer Coordinator – 
  • Hospitality – no updates
  • PTOC Update – Rebecca Ankeney
    • PTOC provided support group / resources to be shared through the Dicken Newsletter (ex. did you know? with links over several weeks)
    • PTO funding equity is the November topic. Discussed options to help support other PTO strategies and options to promote equity. Would Dicken want to pair with another school? To be discussed further at a future meeting.